The Motor Carrier Services Section is responsible for the supervision and regulation of all persons subject to Alabama Code Title 37 Chapter 3 (Alabama Motor Carrier Act), § 37-3-32.1 (Unified Carrier Registration Act), and the § 32-7C (TNC Act). Intrastate Authority – Required when transporting passengers or property (this includes household goods) by motor vehicle in intrastate commerce (between points within this State) for compensation. A broker’s license is required when an individual arranges the transportation of property for compensation within the State.
Insurance – All regulated persons are required to file and maintain proof of liability insurance. All regulated persons of property or household goods must maintain proof of cargo insurance. Brokers are required to file a surety bond. Annual and Quarterly Reports Rates and Services – Motor carriers transporting household goods and non-charter motor carriers of passengers must have an approved tariff on file with the Commission. The tariff sets forth rates, fares, charges, rules, and regulations for service provided by these motor carriers. Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) – The UCR requires motor carriers of property, both for-hire and private, for-hire passenger motor carriers, freight forwarders, brokers, and leasing companies to pay the annual UCR registration fee if they participate in interstate commerce. Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) – The APSC regulates TNCs that offer an online platform for private citizens to provide ridesharing opportunities to the public using their own personal vehicles.